Occult (film)

Occult Okaruto is a 2009 JHorror, found footage film in the form of a documentary. The movie was written and directed by Kji Shiraishi.

Eno, who is an alcoholic, smoker, and rude individual, repulses the crew, especially since they think that he will follow Matsukis path of murder. From Matsukis father, the crew learns that Enos mark resembles the one possessed by Matsuki since childhood, and their search brings them to Mount Ohiruyama, where the sacred Kutoro Rock is located. The crew find a stone with Matsuki and Enos petrogylph marks inscribed on it. According to a horror film director, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, the Kutoro Rock , literally NineHeaded Spine Rock in Mount Ohiruyama , literally Mount Leech was dedicated to Hiruko, a Japanese god with the form of leech. This tale matches Shiraishis experience of having nine leeches biting his left leg when he visited the rock five years previous.Eventually, Shiraishi sees the creature itself while drunk with Eno. Eno reveals that he has been saving 700,000 to build a bomb so he can commit a suicide bombing in a busy street in Shinjuku, which he claims would send him and all people involved to Gods realm. Shiraishi agrees to cooperate, intending to record the stepbystep for other people to identify. The bomb claims 108 lives, including Shiraishis fellow journalist, Shinobu Kuribayashi. However, Enos body, like Matsuki, is never found. Shiraishi, meanwhile, is sentenced to prison for complicity. ........

Source: Wikipedia